It's that time again, to pack a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child. Below is the 2009 promotional video for this great cause. I find it both interesting and at the same time sad, that this cause is sometimes given a bad rap because they dare to keep Christ in Christmas, and otherwise promote Jesus as the "greatest gift". A while back, the school board in Halifax and other places banned this cause from the local schools because any open exaltation of Jesus Christ could of course be considered offensive and inappropriate. Friends, the "do unto others" message of Jesus has been offending people for a long time. Nevertheless, it is a message that to me, is more relevant with each passing day. This bunch may not be perfect, but they are doing something instead of nothing. If you view the second video (from a few years back), you will notice that there is much more reference to, and mention of "The Christ". Compare the two, and you'll see what I mean. In any case, I hope that they receive so many shoeboxes that they have to charter an extra container ship...He knows my name...

This beauty has been roaming around Central Newfoundland lately. I just grabbed some photos of it for fun...
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