This was a while back, but I still get hungry looking at it :) Buchans, NL is the only place that serves them...see last photo below. Why is it that sin, even the sin of Gluttony is so attractive? One of the Seven Deadly Sins no less. Imagine my giddy delight when after ordering the one pound hamburger patty, the waitress looked at me with a twinkle in her eye and uttered that classic query; "Would you like fries with that"? Why yes I would. Do you have wedge fries ?
Thankfully, Buchans is a considerable detour from the TCH, so I have not been back. However, a friend "smuggled" a bun back from there, prompting the homemade version below. God always provides an avenue of escape however, and an "ordained" if not timely visit from the local clergy resulted a ceremonial "quartering" of said burger...we didn't quite fill twelve baskets with the leftovers, but I'm not hungry either :)
This beauty has been roaming around Central Newfoundland lately. I just grabbed some photos of it for fun...
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