OK, I've long been crazy for mini laptops, and have several piles of junk like HP Omnibook 800CT, 600CT, 200LX, Jornadas, etc Sadly, everything is 10+ years old, and none of them are really any good for anything "internetish".
If you follow this stuff at all, you will have heard of the new breed of "
Netbooks" being offered by ASUS, ACER, HP, etc. Well, we saw wisdom in trying one out, and we don't regret it. I picked up the bottom of the line ACER Aspire One from Staples. It was on clearance at $249. Boy am I impressed. Small and capable. A
Google search will reveal tons of info, but they've sold in excess of 2 million of them so far, and that does not include the last quarter, so the numbers are likely much bigger.

These tiny things have bright screens, wireless, lots of USB connectivity, SD slots, WebCam etc. Very portable, and for home use, an external monitor and DVD drive, external keyboard, and mouse, and you hardly know it's not a desktop.
Just because I'm cheap, I opted for the Linux version, but it's impressively equipped; Skype Client, Messenger Client, Firefox 3, Open Office etc...
Nice easy interface too, See below...