...timely I guess, that at the dawn of a new year, I'm starting my blog from scratch, again. I think I'll give up on cheap hosting and complex database-driven content management systems. For the last couple of weeks, I'd hoped that my site might reappear but it does not look like it will happen. For now, I'll host it from the comfort of my basement and my trusty NSLU2. Also, I'll use good old Blogger as the authoring tool, as it works, and is simple.
I'll add old articles as I recover them from old backups, caches etc.
On another note, we had an excellent Christmas trip to Newfoundland. Always the madman, I elected to travel in a "new" beast, namely a '91 Chevy Astro that I recently picked up very second hand at a decent price. In spite of its 282,000 kms and sweet 16 age, it performed admirably, transporting family, gifts and more in traditional rear wheel drive fashion, thanks to studded winter tires from Walmart. Thankfully, we were afforded good weather windows and 2 comfortable ferry crossings...
I'll add old articles as I recover them from old backups, caches etc.
On another note, we had an excellent Christmas trip to Newfoundland. Always the madman, I elected to travel in a "new" beast, namely a '91 Chevy Astro that I recently picked up very second hand at a decent price. In spite of its 282,000 kms and sweet 16 age, it performed admirably, transporting family, gifts and more in traditional rear wheel drive fashion, thanks to studded winter tires from Walmart. Thankfully, we were afforded good weather windows and 2 comfortable ferry crossings...