Over the years, I've fallen into the possession of several of those hideous "Spacemaker" metal sheds. My last one was in my way, so I ended up giving it away. The constant tripping over stuff in the garage prompted me to take Canadian Tire up on a recent sale, and get a tiny 6'x5' sardine can...my fifth. The first was in 1984, a 6x10 freebie from a job site; The second a 10x14 monster free from my brother-in-law; the third was a rusting 6x8 that got on the wrong side of my fire-axe; the fourth an 8x10 20 year old-but-never-assembled unit that my boss pawned off on me for $50. Here's the latest going up...

Contrary to all the horror stories and popular belief, I have never had any wind-related problems with any of these contraptions. As long as you anchor it down, don't leave the doors open on a windy day, and keep some weight inside, things will be fine. Yes they are pretty flimsy, but you get what you pay for. With a foundation kit, this 6x5 one was on sale for $149. A plastic/resin one would be 3 times the cost. With a little help from my boys, this one went up in a couple of hours...