Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas 2014

We were fortunate to have another Merry Christmas...lots of family, food, friends, and fun. Overall, Christmas conjures up such vivid thoughts, feelings, memories, and emotions, but I wouldn't miss any of it for the world. The only thing I really often miss at this time of year is immediate family. It's sad that we can't get together more, but there's always next year...below are some photos of what we did get up to...

I guess I shouldn't be so hasty to put Christmas in the past. After all, today is only day 5 of the 12 Days of Christmas. Again, my old High School motto must prevail: Carpe Diem !! Merry Christmas everyone !!


 This beauty has been roaming around Central Newfoundland lately. I just grabbed some photos of it for fun...

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