Thursday, January 9, 2014

First deal of the New Year...

Sometimes, I'm "forced" to abandon any budgeting guidelines and succumb to an exception, case in point:
Canadian Tire has been selling a pretty mediocre or substandard propane hot water heater for a few years now. It' the infamous now seemingly defunct "Trailwood" brand, as is my previously mentioned stove/oven.
First of all, here's the trigger for the impulse purchase...

Secondly, I already have a similar unit so I'm pretty familiar with its shortcomings. It requires 2 D Batteries to fire the piezo-electric ignitor, and the burner is temperamental. Nevertheless, I felt it was worth $40, so add another item to my arsenal.

An illustration of the unit from Canadian Tire's Web Site.

I stole this photo from their review site, where a customer has attached a water jug to the unit. This is probably a better idea than the stupid plastic bag that it comes with.
While these things are not perfect, the price resulted in me getting one, and I'm sure I'll put it to some sort of use. My other similar unit is on loan to a friend, so redundancy is in order  :)
Remember the old prepper adage: two is one, and one is none...


 This beauty has been roaming around Central Newfoundland lately. I just grabbed some photos of it for fun...

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